Pizza is an Italian dish that is now popular all over the world. Naples' pizza in particular is really tasty and it earned the UNESCO...
Pizza is an Italian dish that is now popular all over the world. Naples' pizza in particular is really tasty and it earned the UNESCO...
Omelette is made with beaten eggs fried with oil in a frying pan without stirring. It has become quite popular in Italy since it is...
Tomato sauce is a quick traditional Italian recipe. You need just a few ingredients to prepare it: tomato puree, olive oil, garlic (if...
This is a grandmother's recipe. The ingredients should be from your vegetable garden fresh and organic. It's tasty but above all healthy!...
For a great snack, light and super fast to prepare we recommend the pancakes👍🏻👍🏻
The almond cake is a typical sweet of Lodi, a province of Lombardy. Super delicious and simple to prepare. This dessert is loved by all😜...
If you want to do something different and new you can do a traditional dessert in Jordan it is easy and quick dessert...
Do you want to do a quick an easy cake?! so check out this video😄
Do you have some leftover nuts and you don’t want to throw it away? Your favorite aunt is coming over to your house and you need to...
Do you feel sad or bored? Do you need some sweet to make your day better? What you need is Tiramisù! Easy steps, few ingredients e a...
If you are looking for a simple traditional Italian dish to prepare to impress your guests, Parmigiana is for you. Super simple,...