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Big Play

The theme of the third transnational meeting was Big Play. 2 students and 2 teachers from every school joined the third mobility: the teachers who were active in the eTwinning project and the students who participated in the theatre workshops. This mobility had five modules: "Rules" and "Giving advise" in English Lessons, Drama, Common curriculum and Evaluation. The project activities were integrated in the normal curricula of the involved schools.The mobility included sharing  games related to "Rules" and "Advise", games that were prepared at each partner school and were played. At last, the students performed a Drama related to rules and giving advice.

Two Methodologies adopted during the activities were Total Physical Response and Communicative Approach. While teaching English with games, the partners used the Total Physical Response Approach.

While performing the plays, they used the Communicative Approach. 

The timetable of the mobility:

Day 1: Arrival, Welcome Show at Istituto Musicale L. Folcioni, Visit of the City/the Town Hall and the Hosting School, Introductions of the countries, cities, schools, teachers, and students.

Day 2: Visit of Soncino, a mediaeval village, Acting scenes in modern English from Shakespearean tragedies, Suggestions to promote historic villages, Group work in international groups:

-  Suggestions to make the school environment more welcoming

- Workshop with a drama expert (Prof.ssa Pagano Annalisa): tips for acting

- Writing plays
Group 1: GHOST
Group 2: VAMPIRE
Group 4: MUMMY
Group 5: ALIEN 

Day 3: Trip to Milan: Guided tour organised by Sraffa students from the tourist course from Sforza Castle to S. Babila Square in the morning; Guided tour from Vittorio Emanuele II Street to Duomo Square in the afternoon.

Day 4: International Group work: Writing plays
(orders and suggestions) in the morning, Rehearsal and Performance of the plays in the afternoon, Games.

Day 5: Group work: writing a brochure about the schools' rules for separate collection. Creation of a game to teach about the correct waste disposal at school, at home, in everyday life (orders and suggestions), Evaluation (a final survey)  and certificate ceremony.



Workshop with a drama expert


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Performance of the plays

A game:

live representation

of a painting following instructions

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