Day 1
Meeting at 9.00 am and opening of the activities with students and teachers at the meeting room of the hotel.
Ms Rosanne Galea, the contact person at the Maltese school, presented the week programme and a hard copy was delivered to the entire audience.
Subsequently, Ms Susanne Garroni, the head teacher at the host school, presented Malta, its geographical location, political aspects, traditions, culture, and customs.
Finally, Ms Χαρούλα Πανοπούλου, the project coordinator from a Greek school, briefly explained the Erasmus+ Cre@t1ve Conflict Resolution and Peer-to-Peer School Mediation project.
In the second half of the morning the students took part in several ice-breaking activities while they visited the Maltese school in groups of two schools at a time.

In the afternoon the delegations from each partner showed the presentations about their school, their city and the activities related to the project done at their college up to then.