Round Table
1. Mrs Palma Matarrese (counsellor, mediation expert): talked about relational and emotional competences to resolve a conflict and suggested tools we can use, such as an active listening and receptive communication.
2. Mrs Giulia Di Nanna (parent & psychologist) “School Mediation from a Family Perspective”: it is important to recognize children’s needs and help them express their emotions also in a familiar context, mediating is the key.
3. Mr Don Dass (missionary priest and educator) “Mediation in the Multiethnic Social Dialogue”: the first point is to respect equality, religion, colour and nationality.

4. Mr. Alex K. Marfo (cultural mediator) “How can Cultural Mediation Inspire School Mediation?”: it is fundamental to know the background of the people involved in conflicts. The keys to resolve conflicts are emancipation and integration.
5. Mr. Cesare P. De Palma (president of Confindustria BARI) “The Value of Mediation Skills in the Working Environment '': also in a work context it is important to communicate to achieve success; the aim is satisfaction not just money.
Resolving conflict is an approach to growth.