Partner Schools
4th General Lykeion of Alimos-Makrygianneio
4th General Lykeion of Alimos-Makrygianneio is a State Upper Secondary School situated in the Athenian South. It offers strictly pre-university education and the subjects taught include law, classical studies, medicine, economics, ICT, history, mathematics, social and political studies as well as foreign languages. The school's motivation to suggest a School Mediation project has been the Financial and Refugee crisis in Greece which has created enormous changes in Greek social status and emotional instability and has had a profound efffect on Greek society, Greek family, Greek life, and Greek school life. As a result, a crisis of all kinds of relationships has shown up. Schools must deal with conflicts between students, between teachers, between teachers and students, between parents, the whole situation ultimately concerning the entire local society and more. In this context, and with determined to cope positively with the whole situation and to improve things in school at least, the Principal and school's staff have decided to choose another path : the one of school mediation. A significant number of teachers started being trained in school mediation and conflict management-resolution under the authority and the guidance of specialized authorities of the Greek Ministry of Education. In this context and under the supervision of experts, trainers-advisers, a team of twenty students and seven teachers has been established who have been trained to handle tricky situations in school life.

VI Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace im. Krola
Zygmunta Augusta w Bialymstoku
VI Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Króla Zygmunta Augusta gathers 824 students and 72 teachers,is a public school with a very rich history and tradition located in a city of 300,000 inhabitants. Students achieve high secondary school results on external matura exams, take part in numerous school and inter-school competitions. All students can communicate in English (B2) and are keen to participate in extracurricular activities. The school will certainly contribute to the project’s development by sharing and exchanging good practices in terms of the school guiding and counselling activities they offer. This is going to enable proper implementation of the mediation method, and it will assure long lasting results to be shared and published. Anyway the school staff will not only deepen project management and project collaboration skills and strategies, but also achieve professional growth, meet new challenges while being resourceful and innovative in terms of mediation and conflict resolution. Therefore, they will contribute to this project as a motivational school which is going to reassure sustainability in terms of parents-teachers-students relations.
Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. João Araújo Correia
Agrupamento de Escolas Joao de Araujo Correia is a state secondary general high school situated at Godim-Peso de Regua in the Portuguese Central North which counts 1200 students and 200 teachers. School offers courses of Human Sciences, Arts, Literature and Economics, and vocational courses as well such as ICT, Multimedia, Geriatrics, Reception Techniques and Marketing and is a school open to students with disabilities, in particular to deaf students. The school's motivation to join this project is a certain number of inaccuracies and tricky situations often emerging among students in their daily school life last years which must be managed. Diversity and inclusion is a big issue in the school. It is strongly believed that through peer school mediation students will arrive to ameliorate their relationships and their school life, and moreover the whole school climate will get better.

Convitto Nazionale Domenico Cirillo -
Scuole Annesse
“Domenico Cirillo" is a state primary and secondary school located in the city of Bari, in Puglia on the southeastern part of Italy. The Secondary School is specialized in scientific, classical, linguistic and musical studies and supports the implementation of CLIL methodology. Subject teaching is complemented by projects and activities that aim at enriching the students’ personality, as well as the development of their cultural, civic and human dimension. There are about 200 members of staff and about 900 students. School’s motivation to join in this project is the number of students in need, due to broken families, special needs, disabilities, different cultural background .The school has been working on conflicts resolution for some years so far through initiatives run by teachers and parents with the help of some experts. Time has been dedicated initially to identifying and describing the conflicts affecting the pupils at various ages and then some tools have been used to find a solution. The present project will certainly contribute to bringing the topic of conflict resolution to the fore, and to the recognition of its general importance. Dealing with conflicts at school within the framework of this project will offer the opportunity to get prepared for more serious situations, be it within the family, at school or in the world of work. In fact fathoming the causes of conflict is the basis for personal change, but also for changes in the societal structure.
Newark School
Newark School Malta is a school providing early years education, primary and secondary schooling mainly for international children. The classes are small thus providing quality education. It is located in Sliema which is a residential area and much sought after by the foreign workers working in Malta. There are 40 teachers working in the school on a full time basis and one head of school. Education in Malta is obligatory for children between 4 and 16 years of age and the school is regulated and licenced by the relevant education directorate within the Ministry of Education and Employment. The teaching is done in English. Inclusion and diversity are part of the school ethos and children with special needs are integrated within a normal class. Children with special needs have a learning support assistant to guide them. School's motivation for joining in this project is some tricky situations among students in our school raised mainly because of multiculturalism, diversity and multilingual environment. The school offers education in "international" level since the majority of the students belong to families that have moved to Malta from abroad for professional reasons.

Istituto Istruzione Superiore P. Sraffa - Crema
IIS P. Sraffa Secondary School is a large vocational/technical institute in the north of Italy. Attended by 1171 students, it includes programmes of study to get technical diplomas in different areas: Culinary Arts and Hospitality, Health and Social Care, Commerce, Optics, Dental Care, Tourism, Mechanics, Fashion. The institute is a great resource for the area since it caters for the most vulnerable section of learners, mainly the ones with learning difficulties but above all family problems, disruptive behaviour, lack of motivation or difficulty integrating (migrants’ children - about 30%), or special needs. The students that attend it have varied views of life according to their different cultural background or family experiences. They don’t always manage to relate both to their peers and to adults in an appropriate manner. Bullying due to their diversity sometimes occurs. That’s why the school has signed a Protocol with the Prefecture and has joined projects devoted to prevent and/or intervene when discrimination is detected. Experience has highlighted the efficacy of inclusive project-based approaches for a positive management of relationships, which in its turn results in enhanced self-esteem and self-confidence in learners. Therefore the ability to mediate appears to be a transversal soft skill to be fostered to endow pupils with effective instruments to face situations of conflict in the present and in the future. Participating in this Erasmus+ partnership the school believes that its students will gain better understanding of the importance of acquiring conflict resolution skills and of learning to coexist with people with different perspectives. Working together the partners will compare strategies and create a common pattern which will aid forge an educational path devoted to school mediation so as to boost better mutual understanding among youth to make them sympathetic individuals able to interact with people civilly.