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Short-Term Joint Staff Training Event

“ Cycle Closed :Redeeming the results”

4th General Lykeion of Alimos Athens

16 - 18 June 2022


  • Thursday, June 16th.

08:30 School Reception. 

09:00-11:00 Presentations.

11:00-11:30 Coffee time.

11:30-14:30 Presentations.

  • Friday, June 17th

09:00 School Reception. 

09:30 4GELA School Mediation Training Center. The Grand Opening.

10:00 Karolos Koun Theater. Public Event. Greetings.

10:00-13:00 Teachers’ Presentations.

13:00-13:30 Traditional Dances. Greek Erasmus+ Students and more.

  • Saturday, June 18th

08:30 Departure to the Piraeus Port.

09:30 Departure to Hydra.

19:30 Departure to Piraeus Port.

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