On the third day of the virtual mobility the students were asked to work in international groups and to reflect on the beneficial effects of the landscape on the mind and how can it influence the process of mediation and the resolution of conflicts as suggested by Mr Carelli the previous day.
as a result of their discussion the groups created an interactive image with galleries of ictures of relaxing landscapes in each country to make virtual tours in comfort landscapes.

The following topic was the link between Mediation and Music.
As a warm-up activity a group of students from the tourist course presented Cremona: Stradivari’s home city.
Next the students met a Music Therapy Expert, Ms Debora Tundo, who pointed out how music can relax the mind, energize the body, and even help people better manage difficult situations and conflicts.
Then on a Padlet the learners shared messages about the soothing power of music and its role in a mediation process.
At the end of the morning the students interviewed a psychologist and investigated the benefits of Peer Mediation.