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Day 2

12th October

On the second day Martha Ferdandes, one of the English teachers at AEJAC, introduced “Escola Secundária João Araújo Correia” activities in the field of conflict mediation , she gave an insight into Portuguese education and focused on “Civic engagement and conflict mediation: from government education policies to school practice”. Then she illustrated the project “Dress a girl around the world”. 

The morning activites also included two contributions by the University of Tras-of-Montes and Alto Douro in Vila Real: 

- “Sibling conflict resolution from home to school” Ines Moura De Sousa Carvalho Revla, University of Vila Real - Portugal;

- “School Mediation: a culture of peaceful coexistence” Ana Paula Monteiro, University of Vila Real - Portugal.


In the afternoon the delegations visited the Douro Museum, where they participated in an interesting group activity called "Babel", a funny project focused on the importance of all languages and different cultures.  


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