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Short-Term Joint Staff Training Event
School Mediation and
Social Dialogue in school
Convitto Nazionale e Scuole Annesse
"Domenico Cirillo"
13 - 16 Decembre 2021
How to improve school mediation? Strategies and Tools
Mrs. Palma Matarrese (counselor and mediator expert)
Presentations by all Erasmus Schools:
Conflict Resolution in School - A Case Study
Round Table on:
How can School Mediation Improve on Social Dialogue and vice versa?
∙ Palma Matarrese (counsellor, mediation expert)
∙ Mrs Giulia Di Nanna (parent & psychologist)
∙ Don Dass (missionary priest and educator)
∙ Mr. Alex K. Marfo (cultural mediator)
∙ Mr. Cesare P. De Palma (president of Confindustria BARI)
Group-based debate:
Can School Mediation Make Better Citizens?

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