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Image by Constantinos Kollias

Setting the scene of working together on peer-

to-peer school mediation

4th General Lykeion of Alimos


19th November 2019

Mrs Hara Panopoulou- International project coordinator and School Principal 

Kick off meeting

Introduction of Dr Eugenia Vathakou – the project manager


Agenda points:


  1. Aims of the Project/Objectives according to the Application Form

  2. Mobility Tool

  3. Formalities on mobilities

  4. Dates for the next two mobilities

  5. Tasks and responsibilities


20th November 2019

1.Seminar 09:30-12:30: School Mediation.

M. Andriakopoulou, Law Studies, Advisory, Certified Mediator, talked on mediation, explained

the whole mediation process and presented resolving methods.

         E. Saridou, LLM Business and Labour Law, International Trade & Commercial Law, Certified 

         Mediator    supported M. Andriakopoulou and discussed the types of conflicts and the 

         responsibilities of student mediators.

         An.  Giannatou, Greek Literature Teacher, Principal.

        - discussed a certain bullying case to set a scene of a conflict

        - described the role of a coordinator and the need of training students mediators

        - stated how to select students for mediators

        - what to do to have a successful mediation 

        - expectation of a group (written on poster as a suggestion)

        - benefits of being a student mediator 

        - benefits for the Mediation Programme Coordinators

                 2.Workshops 14:30-18:00: Practice – Interactive Activities.

  E. Saridou, LLM Business and Labour Law, International Trade & Commercial Law, Certified Mediator.

  M. Andriakopoulou, Law Studies, Advisory, Certified Mediator.

  Participants divided into two groups: Greek Erasmus+ team and participants of partner schools

           - Activity 1-  10 steps of mediation to be put in correct order 

           - Activity 2- simulated role play on a certain conflict being resolved 

              by means of two mediators


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