On the third day students and teachers went to Suprasl, where they visited the Icon Museum and the Orthodox Monastery’s Church. An interesting workshop in the Paper Making Museum was also held.
Suprasl has a unique atmosphere. It's a small, tranquil town surrounded by a forest . It has many old wooden houses (from 19th century), Orthodox and Catholic chapels. It is a multicultural place, in fact its inhabitants are of Polish, Belarusian, German, Tatar and Jewish origin.
Suparaśl was established more than 500 years ago and there you can find several unique monuments. The most important is the beautiful monastery which houses the Museum of Icons – the most modern museum of its kind in Poland -, which has one of the richest collection of icons from 18th, 19th and 20th century. The jewels of the collection are a group of 16th-century frescoes rescued from the Orthodox church in Supraśl.
Later, all the groups went to the woods to roast sausages all around a large bonfire.