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eTwinning offers a range of online Professional development opportunities at European level for all members of the community.

Learning Events

Learning Events are short intensive online events led by an expert.

Online Seminars

Online Seminars are live communication sessions where teachers have a chance to learn, talk and discuss about pedagogy and eTwinning aspects with their peers. 

Online courses

The eTwinning Online Courses are long courses aimed at addressing the needs of the eTwinning community in the area of online moderation, teaching and learning, and ambassadors at national and European level.

And much more ...

Here are a few examples of the events and seminars the participants to the project attended

Learning Event 2018:

Planning an eTwinning project - Introduction

This Learning Event is designed for teachers new to the platform. It guides them through the Twinspace and the opportunities it offers for professional development, and project planning and implementation in collaboration with European and extra-European countries included in the community.


Learning Event 2018:

Cross-curricular Opportunities for STEM

The event aimed at pointing out the advantages for eTwinners to use STEM resources and for STEM teachers new to eTwinning to collaborate in educational projects with their students using Problem-Based Learning and a cross-curricular approach.


Learning Event 2018:

Using Project based learning to enhance key competences





eTwinning Seminar in Cremona  

November 14th  2018

Online Seminars

Project-Based Learning

Subject-Based Entrepreneurial Learning

Tackling Disinformation Face-to-Face

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

IIS P. Sraffa Crema. Proudly created with

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