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THIRD MOBILITY  25 - 29 March 2019 

“Winter Academy: Developing key competences through project-based learning”

Future Classroom Lab by European Schoolnet - Brussels


Day 1 

Introduction. Objectives and practicalities.

The Future Classroom: Getting familiar with the FCL learning zones

Transversal competences and how to teach them

Project-based learning: what, why, how

Essential project design elements (Gold standard PBL)

Entry event: Driving questions versus direct questions

Create you questions: 10x10 approach

Activities and tools to develop entrepreneurial mind-set

Social & cultural activity


Day 2 

Teach - Meet

Collaboration in PBL. Collaborative learning techniques

Collaboration activities and tools

Communication and leadership. Negotiation and persuasion skills.

Assessing PBL: Assessment for learning & Creating rubrics with online tools


Day 3 

How to implement the PBL in your classroom: Planning and management

Group work: designing project

Presentation of group work, feedback

Resilience corner: How to develop resilience at school?
Importance of Personal Learning Network: Social media, content curation tools, educator communities

Developing digital citizenship: eSafety in the classroom

Social & Cultural activity

Day 4 

Social and emotional learning: Emotional intelligence; Self-awareness; Self-management skills, mindfulness; and Building empathy in classrooms and schools

Responsible decision-making

Critical thinking

Learning through experience: Ideation Jam method

Social & Cultural activity


Day 5 

Entrepreneurial learning: Taking initiative; Creating lean canvas; and Presenting team work

Creating a toy activity: Financial literacy

Reflective circle: course conclusions and certificates


Competences acquired by the participants: 

- Job-related skills and competences:

  • Understanding and reflect on transversal competences in education

  • Learning about Project-Based Learning: theory and practice

  • Knowledge on how to implement PBL in classroom e.g. through learning design and reviewing components of effective PBL

  • Getting familiar with different collaboration activities and tools

  • Learning about entrepreneurship competence (EntreComp)

  • Understanding the importance and potential of entrepreneurial mind-set for student-driven activities

  • Learning about how to assess PBL

  • Learning about importance and components of social and emotional learning

  • Discovering and practicing with different ICT tools to implement and support PBL


- Language skills and competences:

Interacting (listening, speaking, reading, writing) in a foreign language (English) with the course colleagues and the trainers. Intercultural skills.

- Computer skills and competences:

Using different software and apps. Exploring Future Classroom Lab, its ideas and tools.

- Organisational skills and competences:

Collaborating with course peers for group work

- Social skills and competences:

Communication and collaboration with multicultural group of participants; Sharing of practice


Workshop 16 May 2019

Maria Silvia Maltese (law teacher)

Damiano Franzosi (Italian language teacher)

Paola Mirelli (Italian language teacher)

Rocco Caggianese (economics teacher)

Learning diary

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