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The European Schoolnet Academy offers high-quality free courses on various topics  for primary and secondary teachers as well as other educational professionals. Its Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) last between 3-8 weeks.

Here are a few examples of the courses the participants to the project attended

STEM Is Everywhere!

The course is meant to connect Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) classes with “real life” and help teachers integrate real-world problems into their STEM lessons and practices. The lack of connection between real life and STEM classes might cause students to rule out STEM careers, because they feel detached from STEM and might deem it too “academic” or “research-oriented”.
Teachers often encounter this issue when they aim to motivate their students or direct them towards STEM careers. Therefore, the ‘STEM Is Everywhere!’ course offers guidance and practical examples for you to bring real-world problems to your STEM teaching in an entertaining way. 

Lesson Plan 

Social Media Literacy for Change

The internet in general and social media in particular play an increasingly important role for the ways in which we socialise, we acquire information and learn. These new media require specific types of literacy from their users in order for them to take full advantage of the opportunities these digital environments offer, and to fully grasp the consequences of their behaviour online, while steering clear of any potential risks.

Schools have always played a crucial part in preparing their students for the future, and in our digital society, being social media literate is a prerequisite for young people to become active and informed citizens.

This MOOC will support your school in helping their students to take full advantage of the opportunities of social media in a safe and ethical way, by creating your own school strategy.

The Networked Teacher

The course aims to help you become a ‘networked teacher’, developing your pedagogical digital competence, learning about collaborative and active approaches to teaching and learning and connecting with fellow student teachers from across Europe to share ideas and build your future professional learning network.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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