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FIFTH MOBILITY  23 - 27 April 2019 

“Enhancing STEM practice and strategy in secondary schools” 

Future Classroom Lab by European Schoolnet - Brussels


Day 1 

Welcome and course introduction

What is a STEM School

School leadership and culture / Inclusive culture: Working on your STEM school strategy (introduction)

School infrastructure / Access to technology and equipment: Future Classroom Lab tour - Exploring the lab

School infrastructure / High quality instruction classroom materials: Scientix - resources from EU projects

Instruction / Inquiry Based Science Education (IBSE): Inquiry learning and use of online laboratories with Go-Lab

Networking dinner: Assessment in STEM education


Day 2 

Curriculum implementation / Contextualization of STEM teaching: Introducing Bio-economy in STEM Classes

Curriculum implementation / Interdisciplinary instruction (within STEM): Scientix - Interdisciplinary learning & Interdisciplinary project based ideas

Instruction / Problem based learning: Coding in education

Instruction / Project based learning: 3D printing and designing techniques with Open Source Tools for secondary education teachers

Social/cultural activity: Interactive city walk


Day 3 

Study visit to a local school

Professionalization of staff / Highly qualified professionals: Exploring STEM Careers - Space, ICT and others

Connections / With universities and/or research centres: Connecting schools with the world of research!

School leadership and culture / School leadership: Introduction to School Shared Leadership


Day 4 

Professionalization of staff / Professional development: SOS-ACT and the European Schoolnet Academy

Curriculum implementation / Interdisciplinary instruction (within STE(A)M): Europeana – integrating cultural heritage in STEM classes

Connections / With parents guardians & local communities

School leadership and culture / High Level of cooperation among staff: Scientix - The STEM Discovery Week

Connections / With other schools and/or educational platform: eTwinning

Personalisation of learning


Day 5 

Connections / With industry: School-industry collaboration - Why & how to get started!

School leadership and culture / Inclusive culture: Group work: Working on your STEM school strategy

Presenting the groups’ school strategies

Conclusions and impressions of the week; Certificates


Competences acquired by the participants: 

- Job-related skills and competences:

  • Understand the concept of STEM School and the different elements of it.

  • Knowledge how to develop a STEM School strategy linked with the inclusive school culture and shared school leadership.

  • Learn about resources and classroom materials from different online repositories and sources, and how to apply them in teaching

  • Learn about Inquiry Based Science Education (IBSE) and the use of online laboratories

  • Knowledge how to contextualize STEM teaching (with example of bio-economy)

  • Explore interdisciplinary instruction and discover interdisciplinary project-based learning ideas, for example STE(A)M

  • Practice problem-based learning and project-based learning approaches through coding and 3D printing

  • Understand how to promote STEM careers to young people

  • Importance of connections with the world of research, parents, industry, local communities, and other schools (through eTwinning)


- Language skills and competences:

Interacting (listening, speaking, reading, writing) in a foreign language (English) with the course colleagues and the trainers. Intercultural skills.

- Computer skills and competences:

  • Using different software and apps to increase student collaboration and interaction

  • Exploring Future Classroom Lab and its ideas and tools

- Organisational skills and competences:

  • Collaborating with course peers for group work

- Social skills and competences:

Communication and collaboration with multicultural group of participants; Sharing of practice


Workshop 30 May 2019

Mariella Brunazzi (English language teacher)

Maria Angela Cerri (science teacher)

Paola Patrizia Vita (French language teacher)

Learning diary

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