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FIRST MOBILITY  1 - 2 December 2018

“Active learning in my school and classroom”

Future Classroom Lab by European Schoolnet - Brussels


Day 1

Introduction – objectives and practicalities of the workshop

Parameters of New Learning Spaces & Active Learning

The space as a tool for learning

Future Classroom Lab Verbs: Collaborate

Future Classroom Lab Verbs: Create

Future Classroom Lab Verbs: Play

Future Classroom Lab Verbs: Explore & Discover


Day 2

Developing partnerships and networks

The new School Experience - Sharing of Learning spaces

Involving stakeholders - Maturity and educational trends, teacher personas

Designing New Learning Spaces

Prepare presentations of Space Designs

Presentations of designs


Competences acquired by the participants: 

- Job-related skills and competences:

  • Learn about the concept of the Future Classroom and how to apply it

  • Learn about the concept of active learning

  • Design lessons and activities to promote active learning

  • Learn about whole-school approach to active teaching and learning

  • Explore how to design of a flexible learning spaces and in-between-spaces

  • Get familiar with distributed leadership

  • Involve different stakeholders and colleagues

  • Practice with relevant tools and apps

- Language skills and competences:

Interacting (listening, speaking, reading, writing) in a foreign language (English) with the course colleagues and the trainers.

- Computer skills and competences:

Using different software and apps. Exploring Future Classroom Lab, its ideas and tools.

- Organisational skills and competences:

Collaborating with course peers for group work

- Social skills and competences:

Communication and collaboration with multicultural group of participants.

- Other competences:

Sharing of practice. Intercultural skills.

Workshop  18 December 2018

Arabella Pizzamiglio (law teacher)


Marilena Morlino (maths teacher)

Learning Diary 

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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