FOURTH MOBILITY 8 - 12 April 2019
“Interactive technologies for the future classroom”
Future Classroom Lab created by European Schoolnet - Brussels
Day 1
Introduction. Objectives and practicalities
Future Classroom Lab Exploration: Reflecting on tools, pedagogy and learning spaces
BYOD (bring your own device) to the classroom: overview possibilities in the classroom, best practices and testing, exploring edu apps and online freeware
Project creation: group work
Presentation and prize of the day
Social and cultural activities
Day 2
Increasing interactivity on your interactive whiteboard:
Creating interactive lesson plans
Exploring cloud-based programmes
eTwinning (best practices, project gallery, brainstorming and exploring new partners)
Stop motion
Creating interactive and educational videos
Exploring apps
Presentations and prize of the day
Scavenger Hunt in Brussels (group work)
Day 3
1:1 learning
Pedagogy and best practices
Exploring cloud based programmes
Flipped classroom
Project creation with QR-codes - Create your personalized QR codes & interactive group work
eSafety in schools - What every teacher should know about eSafety
Social and cultural activities
Day 4
Augmented reality in the classroom
Best practices and pedagogy
Create your own marker
Party-Jail-Break (Interactive game filled with discussions and exchanging ideas)
BYOD 2.0: Increasing student involvement (Create challenges outside the classroom)
Interactive comics in the classroom
How to create interactive comics?
Exploring different online freeware
Social and cultural activity: House of European History
Day 5
Assessment using interactive technology in the classroom (Pedagogy and best practices)
Final preparation and presentation(group work)
Competences acquired by the participants:
- Job-related skills and competences:
Practicing with tools and methodologies to increase student interaction and collaboration in the classroom
Creating interactive lesson plans
Understanding 1:1 learning (pedagogy and best practices and tools)
Preparing and delivering flipped learning
Exploring the opportunities and challenges of Bring Your Own Device approach
Learning how to use Augmented Reality in the classroom
Learning how to use interactive games in the classroom
Learning how assess using interactive technology
Understanding the basics of eSafety in schools
- Language skills and competences:
Interacting (listening, speaking, reading, writing) in a foreign language (English) with the course colleagues and the trainers. Intercultural skills.
- Computer skills and competences:
Using different software and apps to increase student collaboration and interaction
Exploring Future Classroom Lab and its ideas and tools
Creating interactive videos (Stop motion)
Exploring cloud-based programmes
Ideas and resources for professional development
Project creation with QR-codes
- Organisational skills and competences:
Collaborating with course peers for group work
Knowledge on how to start and run an online collaboration project (eTwinning)
- Social skills and competences:
Communication and collaboration with multicultural group of participants; Sharing of practice