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IIS P. Sraffa has decided to send a group of subject and foreign language teachers to improve their teaching methods at a qualified educational centre, the Future Classroom Lab. 
Created by European Schoolnet, the Future Classroom Lab (FCL) is an inspirational learning environment in Brussels, challenging visitors to rethink the role of pedagogy, technology and design in their classrooms. Through six learning zones, visitors can explore the essential elements in delivering 21st century learning: students' and teachers' skills and roles, learning styles, learning environment design, current and emerging technology, and societal trends affecting education.
Since the opening of the Future Classroom Lab in January 2012, European Schoolnet and its 31 supporting Ministries of Education have worked closely with a growing number of ICT providers to ensure an independently-funded and sustainable platform. Policy-makers, industry partners, teachers and other education stakeholders regularly come together in face-to-face training workshops and strategic seminars to develop visions for the school of the future and strategies on how to realise these.
Here the teachers from the sending organisation have the opportunity to work with international experts and European colleagues who come from different realities, to share and compare experiences and possibly start networking with them.

This experience will have a positive influence on the organisation's didactic methodologies so as to give students better competences and qualifications.

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