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Teacher Academy by the School Education Gateway supports teachers to access relevant training opportunities by providing them with a platform to search for, participate and evaluate training courses available onsite and online across Europe. 


Here are a few examples of the courses the participants to the project attended

Embracing Language Diversity in Your Classroom

This course encourages teachers of all age groups and from all subject disciplines to think more deeply about the importance of teacher language awareness and to better understand and utilise the linguistic diversity existing in their classroom. Besides, the course will provide teachers with different tools and resources to deliver curricular subjects in different languages and to plan lessons accordingly.

Lesson Plan

Open eTwinning: Project-Based Learning and the Community for Schools in Europe

Project-based learning is known to be a hugely engaging and impactful pedagogical method, but many teachers are unsure how to put it into practice. eTwinning, the community for schools in Europe, provides an excellent framework to get started with project-based learning in cooperation with classrooms across Europe.

During the course, teachers will learn about the principles of project-based learning and how to start a project in the eTwinning community.

Learning with creativity: Let the game begin!

The Learning with creativity: Let the game begin! course aims to encourage primary and secondary teachers from all subject disciplines to reflect about the importance of learning through play and to show them ways to introduce games in the classroom. 

Mentoring in schools

The course is relevant to all kinds of mentors, coaches, or tutors working at school or university level. However, the focus is primarily on mentoring of colleagues within a school. Particular references are also made to the mentoring of beginning teachers, helping them to find their place in the school and classroom.

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